German Research Foundation (DFG), EXC 2120: Cluster of Excellence IntCDC: RP-13
Funding period
The goal of the project network “IntCDC for long-span buildings” is to develop a co-design method with respective fabrication processes for long-spanning FRP structures. Therefore, we will develop methods and tools for the structural assessment aspect of the co-design method as part of this research project:
- Method for integrating structural feedback in real-time into the architectural design process based on newly developed generic quality models
- Method for an improved form finding and structural analysis process and allowing for the integration of fabrication simulation feedback and faster iterations of structural design
- Catalogue of structural typologies for multi-functional building components of long-spanning FRP structures
As a result, the envisaged development provides evaluation and simulation strategies for complex material systems suited for additive manufacturing processes (here: filament winding) adapted to the building sector.
Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE), University of Stuttgart
Institute for Structural Mechanics (IBB), University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Knippers, Prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred Bischoff, M.Sc. Yanan Guo (ITKE), M.Sc. David Forster (IBB)
The project is a part of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC (more about here)

Yanan Guo
M.Sc.Research Associate I IntCDC