Grant Agreement SA/CEN/GROW/EFTA/515/2017-18
Funding Period:
01.01.2018 - 01.01.2022
The aim of this project is to adapt the Prospect for New Guidance in the Design of FRP structures into the Eurocode Parts.
From 2010, the European Commission created the Technical Committee 250 (TC250) to revise all Eurocodes in a 10-year project that ends in 2020. Besides, working groups were also created to address the inclusion of other materials into the Eurocodes. Among these groups, the Working Group 4 was responsible for the design of Fibre Reinforced Polymers. From 2011 till 2016 this group, in which Professor Jan Knippers has been also involved, prepared a Science and Policy Report called Prospect for New Guidance in the Design of FRP.
After the agreement of CEN/TC250 it was decided to create this research team to adapt the Prospect into a CEN Technical Specifications (TS). After a period of trial of the new TS for FRP structures, the document will be converted into the Eurocode Parts.
Lisbon University, PT
Prof. Dr. Joao Ramôa Correia
EPFL-Lausanne, CH
Prof. Dr. Thomas Keller
University of Stuttgart, DE
Prof. Dr. Jan Knippers, Marta Gil Pérez
Warwick University, UK
Prof. Dr. Toby Mottram
Acciona, SP
Dr. Carlo Paulotto

Marta Gil Pérez
Dr.-Ing.Research Group Leader I IntCDC