Dieses Bild zeigt Valentin Wagner

Valentin Wagner

Herr M.Sc.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Keplerstrasse 11
70174 Stuttgart

  1. Gil Pérez, M., Rongen, B., Koslowski, V., & Knippers, J. (2021). Structural design assisted by testing for modular coreless filament-wound composites: The BUGA Fibre Pavilion. Construction and Building Materials, 301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124303
  2. Bodea, S., Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Gil Pérez, M., Koslowski, V., Rongen, B., Dörstelmann, M., Kyjanek, O., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2020). BUGA Fibre Pavilion: Towards robotically-fabricated composite building structures. In J. Burry, J. Sabin, B. Sheil, & M. Skavara (Hrsg.), Fabricate 2020. (S. 234–245). UCL Press.
  3. Koslowski, V., Knippers, J., Gil Pérez, M., & Rongen, B. (2020). Versuchsgestützte Bemessung des CFK-GFK-Tragwerks des BUGA-Faserpavillons 2019. In B. Oesterle, M. Bischoff, & M. von Scheven (Hrsg.), Baustatik - Baupraxis 14 (Bd. 14, S. 207–214).
  4. Knippers, J., Koslowski, V., & Oppe, M. (2020). Faserverbundstoffe im Bauwesen. In U. Kuhlmann (Hrsg.), Stahlbaukalender 2020: Neue Normung im Hochbau - Leichtbau (S. 611–670). Ernst & Sohn. https://doi.org/10.1002/9783433610053.ch9
  5. Gil Pérez, M., Rongen, B., Koslowski, V., & Knippers, J. (2020). Structural design, optimization and detailing of the BUGA fibre pavilion. International Journal of Space Structures, 35(4), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956059920961778
  6. Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Bodea, S., Koslowski, V., Gil Pérez, M., Rongen, B., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2019). Buga Fibre Pavilion: Towards an architectural application of novel  fiber composite building systems. In K. Bieg, D. Briscoe, & C. Odom (Hrsg.), Acadia 2019: Ubiquity and Autonomy, proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Texas (S. 140--149). Acadia Publishing Company.
  7. Rongen, B., Koslowski, V., Gil Pérez, M., & Knippers, J. (2019). Structural optimisation and rationalisation of the BUGA fibre composite dome. In C. Lazaro, K. Bletzinger, & E. Onate (Hrsg.), Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia: Form and Force (Bd. 2019, S. 1859--1866). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
  8. Takahashi, K., Körner, A., Koslowski, V., & Knippers, J. (2016). Scale Effect in Bending-active Plates and a Novel Concept for Elastic Kinetic Roof Systems. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2016.
  9. Vasey, L., Baharlou, E., Dörstelmann, M., Koslowski, V., Prado, M., Schieber, G., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2015). Behavioural Design and Adaptic Robotic Fabrication of Fiber Composite Compresion Shell with Pneumatic Formwork. Acadia 2015, 297 – 309.
  10. Dörstelmann, M., Knippers, J., Koslowski, V., Menges, A., Prado, M., Schieber, G., & Vasey, L. (2015). ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014: Fibre Placement on a Pneumatic Body Based on a Water Spider Web. AD Architectural Design, 237, Article 237.
  11. Vasey, L., Baharlou, E., Dörstelmann, M., Koslowski, V., Prado, M., Schieber, G., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2015). Behavioral Design and Adaptive Robotic Fabrication of a Fiber Composite Compression Shell With Pneumatic Formwork. Proceedings of ACADIA 2015, 297--309. http://papers.cumincad.org/data/works/att/acadia15_297.pdf
  12. Schieber, G., Koslowski, V., Dörstelmann, M., Prado, M., Vasey, L., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2015). Integrated design and fabrication strategies for fibrous structures. Modelling Behaviour, 237–246. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24208-8
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